As you may or may not have noticed, we have changed the theme here at Stupidopolis. Thanks to the design team for the many sleepless nights spent hacking MiloIIIIVII’s code to get things to look nice. Oh, I see the FlikR section is not done yet. I would have expected better from you, but I…
Month: March 2008
2,733,690 Un-Funny Blogs, and Growing
by Loren Jersey As of today, there are 2,733,690 terribly un-funny blogs on, and all data point to that number increasing in the future. In the past 18 hours bloggers have added 114,364 new un-funny posts to their drab, humorless blogs. These posts, sadly, centered too often on various hygiene issues, and boys we like. Well, I personally read…
Stuff My Junk Likes
Baby, you know I love you more than anything. You know that I would go anywhere, do anything, and spend whatever I have to make you happy, but I have got to tell you that my junk does not like what we are doing right now.
Rules for Driving in Chicago
by Erk I grew up in a small town of about 14,000 in the middle of nowhere. It was’t a suburb of anything. Our neighborhood had stop signs. There were no turn lanes; in fact, there were no lanes at all. Some of you might call it uncivilized, even barbaric, but it was home. Later…
March Madness® ‘Fan’ Not Mad at All!
by Loren Jersey 3/20/2008 March Madness® begins today, and all across the nation, basketball fans are going crazy. All except for Harlan Dunkel that is, who according to his family, has not begun to show the slightest indication of madness. “We’re very worried by Harlan’s lack of craziness over the championship games” said his wife LaBrenda….
To Gas Or Not To Gas
To gas or not to gas, that is not the question. For which is more desirable, to explode in a shower of organs and tissue, or to torture your co-workers with the bean burrito you ate last night? Nay, whom to gas is much more pertinent.
Extreme Sledding 101
January 6, 1999, 7:00pm. Our intrepid hero, that’s me, sets out on an exciting adventure. My new assignment: Mount Trashmore! The bigwigs down at HQ think there’s something funny going down there, and I am to infiltrate the ranks disguised as an ordinary sledder. I get into my gear, and grab my trusty alibi, a…
The Angst of Obscurity
Warning! this article is not very funny! I’m depressed. by Erk As I write these words, I imagine myself tossing the finished pages out into the wind. They swirl and whip past people on the street, stick momentarily to the front of a car, and are carried up again when a truck passses, never to be…
Skater’s Career Ends Suddenly
by Erk Olympic skater Amy Blahdavich has been skating since she was 3 years old. From a strong line of skaters, with a pedigree exceeding 5 generations, she was her family’s most hopeful entry for the 2010 winter olympics, being held in Vancouver. “I trained her for 10 years” explains her coach Maury Sutherland choking…
Scientology is GREAT!
Have you heard about Scientology before? If you haven’t you must live under a rock because everybody is talking about it all the time. It is popular with actors because they are insecure. Well, I didn’t know much about it until resently either. What a load of WISDOM! And I do mean dog WISDOM! Really wet, HELPFUL…