It sickens me to reed in the news about people who appose aborshun. They are taking away the rights of womyn all over the world when they make laws preventing them from controlling there bodies because it is every womyns right to do with her body as she pleases and these men have no idea what it is like to create life and to have the power to make life. They are stupid and want to appress womyn and keep them as slaves and baby factories! This is an outrage! Never in my life have I heard of anything so inhuman and sexist as when a man tells a womyn she should not be in control of her body.
Why aborshun is right
They say that aborshun is murder. Well that’s just stupid. They are stupid heads and they are avoiding the issue which is: they are trying to stop womyn from doing what they want to do with there body. I don’t see any people being murdered eksept by anti-choise nuts who kill good doctors! They are all nuts and if you believe them you are nuts too, and you don’t care about womyns rights you conservative pig you’re probably a fat balding man with no friends, and you hate womyn.
They say life starts at consepshun. Well that’s even stupider than murder. I have a t-shirt that proves that life starts at 40. how come no so-called consepshuns can live without being totally dependant on their womyn hosts? They are just little growths like tumors, and I’ve even seen pictures of them and they are **ugly** and definitely not people, and that’s proof! plus stuff like that just is a smoke screen to cover up the slavery of womyn and making them baby factories.
Why anti-choise people are stupid
They are stupid because they want to control womyn and make them slaves who make babies and are slaves. Womyn have brains and are smart and better at lots of things than men are. Just look at Gina Davis, she is in Mensa and is very smart. That frightens men and they want her to be barefoot and pregnant scrubbing stoves and floors, cuz all that is all men want, and sex, and food.
Also all anti-choise people are pro death penalty which is so hypocritical because they say that it is ok to kill a murderer, but it isn’t ok for womyn to control there own bodies.
How can I join the Aborshun movement
You can’t cuz there isn’t one, but you can be pro-choise like me and know the truth, that aborshun is freedom! and it is a right that belongs in the constitushun, right next to the freedom of speech, but not to bear arms because guns are bad and should be removed from the constitushun
copyright 2000, Graffitti
OH my,
I jus had a thot…
…its kinda terrible…
WHat if aborshun is the lard’s way of shoeing out sinnish liberal sinners?
We true republicuns dont beleive in it.
Do ya think were disobeing the lard by fightin the aborshunists?
I am not sure what a republicun is, but I am a member of Unity Northwest Comunity Church. But if you dont believe in aborshuns, then you are definately a stupid head who thinks womyn are just stove scrubbing baby factories and are slaves. Thanks for reading my post though, cuz I hope it can make you see clearly. Thanks.
Your passéist notion that some “higher power” regulates the affairs of men on earth is amusing. You probably also ascribe to some pathetic, effeminate, notions that peace is better than war, love better than hate, etc…ad nauseum.
I reject your theist claptrap. Your weakness is disgusting.
I do not agree with your assumption that those who oppose abortion are knuckle-dragging morons. I look at the issue in an objective manner. We humans live in the Future. the notion of a “past” or “present” ignores the fact that, to act, to make decisions, even to LIVE, we must look to the Future, and this requires Strength! Will! Power! Gonadal Valiance! There are many in our world who ponder this and shrink like frightened children from the dread specter of the Future, unable to commit to the destruction of the past–but to the Strong, the Future is a noble friend.
It is in the light of this understanding that I reject your argument, enlitened [ed], for the unborn child is a comrade in arms gathering strength for the war against the past, and the tremendous journey into the promise of the Future!
How do you get the neato e with the thingy on it? But I think you are mistaken about abortions (if that is the correct spelling) because you are thinking about yourself and your needs, but not about the womyn who is being forced by a sosiety to be a baby factory. That is making them machines and not people. Plus it is a proven fact that until birth those things are not people, but tumers. Just ask any womyn who has had an aborshu… I mean abortion. So raise your army in test tubes not womyn.
Yewer jus a brik short uva full lode, an a lil lite in yer loafers mister enlitened…er El Dentine (teh lard o the profit tol me yur reel eyedentitty)!
An mister marinetti, yew gots two mutch idleness in yewer day! Kwit layn roun thinkin all fantsy! Donchew werk? I bet yewr wonna them lazey specktickle warin buggers hews heds two big an hews britches is two small.
Ill prey fur yew two pore buggers in yewer sinnishness!
For yoru information I am and ejucated and intellijint with a masters degreen bisness adminstrashun. You are just shocked by my onest and true words, and are probobly with chunks of meet haining from your crooked teeth as you try to type you rcomment. Evolve alreddy or get out of our way!