Do you want to become a millionaire? That’s a stupid question; that’s like asking if you want to breathe! Well, unless you are breathing white hot lava, the answer is “Yeah, dumbass!” Open any magazine, turn your television to any channel, and you will see millionaires, flaunting their wealth, teasing you with the attention it brings, and telling you that they used to be just like you.
Then they say the most amazing thing; they want to GIVE you the secret to making millions. They don’t even want to sell it to you, they just want you to have the same happiness and freedom that they enjoy now. But why? Are they philanthropists? Do they really care about you? Do they know your pain? No, no and no! Now, I’m not saying these people are evil, but I am saying they are being a little deceptive. Allow me to illustrate.
Sherman T. Callahan, III is a millionaire who would like you to believe that he can teach you the secrets to his success with a free audio tape, for which you pay only $4.95 S&H. Sounds great, doesn’t it? What he doesn’t tell you is that the tape is an introduction to his audio tape series, comprised of 12 tapes totalling $199.95 + S&H of $19.95. Still sound like a good deal? Well, consider that Shermy did not have this audio tape series when he was amassing his wealth. He compiled the information on the tapes from memory nearly twenty years later. He may not remember all of the pertinent details , but he can certainly paint a picture that looks good from a distance. And what kind of advice does he give? Does he tell you to get yourself out of debt? Does he say thinks like “Quit paying interest, and start earning interest”? Does he say things like “The only thing that is stopping you from realizing your dreams is YOU”? These are all fine pieces of advice, but they do not make millions.
If Sherman is not a philanthropist, and if he does not really care about you at all, and if he can’t remember exactly every little detail of how he got rich, then why oh why is he selling what must in actuality be very nearly worthless? Because you want it, and you are willing to give him money for it. Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe the specific formula that Sherman used may no longer work, and in order to maintain his wealth he has turned to the next best thing, selling his old worn out method to the desparate masses?