Los Angeles (Hollywood reporter)
Today may be the last day of the writer’s strike that has gone on since November 5 of 2007. This is good news for people who like to watch tv, and like to see new shows because their shows will have new episodes for them. Also, it is good because writers also write stuff for other things besides shows. Speeches and articles and other things are also written by writers. The news will not see much change because it is written by the events that happen, ha ha.
Some experts say that the WGA picked a stupid time to strike because the SAG contract is due June 30 and actors may stike then. These experts say that it would be way more powerful for them to all strike together. But I don’t see any real difference, because what actor is going to be on tv talking without a script? Nobody, that’s who! A strike by the WGA or the SAG or both has the same results as the other.
Also, with no tv shows to watch except game shows which do not have writers, unless they are lying to us. And there are a lot of game shows, believe me. There is even a game show network now with only game shows on it, They even show game shows from 1975 with people winning a brand new 1975 cadillac! Now that is funny. I could watch that channel all day.
But, back to the point of no tv to watch – people will be forced to go outside into the sunshine, unless you live in Chicago, in which case you will be going outside into the dark and the cold of the dead of winter, or they may be forced to talk to each other. Probably about their favorite episode of Seinfeld, but at least they will be talking. And in the end isn’t that more important than new episodes of “Scrubs” or that other show? That gives you something to think about.
In conclusion I would like to say that I really don’t care if the writers end their strike today or not. I have the Game Show Network, and it’s as funny as “Scrubs” and it has real people in it, even if they are all old now, or dead. Plus they win like $250 and they are super happy because it was a lot of money back in the day.
Writer’s Strike Ends Maybe Today
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