by enlitened
We of the scientific community who know the truth of evolution laugh at all the stupid heads who talk about intelligent design. It is so obvious that oakum’s razor says that evolution must be true. So now that that is out of the way. Let’s talk about the wonderful evolution which will make us into super-heroes just like superman or the batman in the next few thousands or so years. Thousands of years ago, humans were like smart apes compared to what we are like now. Just look at the religions of the world. Way back then they had hundreds of gods because they were amazed and scared by darkness and stars and stuff we understand completely today with our bigger brains.
Also look at cars and medicine and we landed on the moon. So that proves that we are much more smart.
In a few thousands more years we will look like apes to those descended of us. This is the way evolution works. Darwin said that the survival of the fetish was the natural law of the universe and that it lead un-doubtlessly to new species. The truth if this is undeniable because we se it every day and in the fossils we se all kinds of extinct species which means evolution is true.
Now look just a few hundred years ago, when women were slaves and medicine was bleating out the bad hummers from people to cure disease. We have equal rights and affirmative action and choice and we understand the pathological diseases, and bacteria and viruses. That is all evidence of our enormous evolutional progress we are making.
A person from the 1700’s would be lost in our world, and totally unable to understand our advanced society with equal rights and pro-choice and real medicines that cure diseases. He would be reduced to pounding on his chest and shouting at women for speaking out of turn. Surely we would seem like aliens to him, or demy-gods. He might lash out at us with his violence animal instincts.
Hey enlitened,
If I understand you correctly:
Treating women as equals = good progress, evolution hard at work, definitely the results of superior evolved minds!
Atheism = good progress toward unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Again evolution charging forward!
Using drugs to heal and cure diseases = evolved minds understanding the mysteries of the human body, another win for evolution!
Does that pretty much sum up the positive side of your article?
So any society which has not yet evolved to this same point would naturally be filled with what we could consider our primitive ancestors, little more than walking apes, if you will.
wow, its like you red my mind. thats sarchasm incase you didnt guess it. you are sooooooo dum!
Of corse any socitey that has ever existid was more primitiv and wood apier like apes to us. I mean I sed that in my articel, didnt I!