Ha ha ha! What a clever title that is! anyway, I am sick and tired of people talking about ethonol as teh fuel of the future. It has been proven that our country cannot make ethonol for a profit, and that it costs ten times as much to make one gallon of ethonlol as one gallon of gasoline. This was proven in an independent study on NPR, so it is the truth. Brazil can do it, but they are a thousand times smarter than our govermnent.
Also, in case you were going to argue about it, which would be stupid of you, it takes three gallons of gasoline to make one gallon of ethonol. Don’t even think about sugesting we use ethonol or another biofool to run those tractors and factories, because where would we get it? it’s a chicken and the egg catch 22!! You can’t make biofool with biofool! That’s like saying why don’t we make cars out of cars! Geez!
And ferther more, the land we use to make corn is all being used to grow corn for food, or the governmebnt is paying to let it sit there and do nothing. so in order to plant new corn for biofool, we would need to chop down another 1.3 billion achers of forest, rainforest, and grasslands, just to grow that extra corn. Adn that means 1.3 billion achers less plants and trees to abzorb carbin diokside form the atmusfere! They say we should grow sugar beets instead, but that wouldn’t help at all, because they woulld still have to plow the extra 1.3 billion achers. Without our precius rainforests we will soon experience acid rain like never before and then things will get very hot as our ice caps melt away causing global flooding.
Not only all that, but there is no need to look for extra fuel sorces because the earth is replenising it’s oil reserves. Each year billions of barrels of oil are being produced deep within the earth, and they seep up slowly into the caverns. This was also proven a fact. Read your newspapers, and listen to NPR, and also read the internet.
Adn the worst lie of all is biodesel! For one thing Germans invented Desel, and the Nazis too! do you want Nazis to tell you who can die and who can live? Desel is the most foul horrible fuel ever discovered, adn that is why only backward countries use it. But fortunately the USA does not use it anyway. 🙂 Desel spews tons of carbin and particles into the atmusfere which destroys our lungs and makes it hard to sit
So keep buying gasoline, and stay away from those biodesel and ethonol burning freaks who are actully destroying our oxigin and atmusfere.