by Simone Chillwigger
I have a serious issue to talk about, and I hope that you will not censor my letter, because I am going to get very graphic. When you fully understand the depth and the scope of these atrocities, you will be compelled to write your congressman as I have. These outrages occur in our own public schools every day and they cannot be allowed to continue. Our history books are perpetuating some of the most heinous crimes against women and children that have ever been perpetrated in the history of our planet. Open up any history book and begin reading and you will see what I mean. They inundate students with all the violence, rape, murder, and other crimes that history’s worst and most powerful men have produced. And it doesn’t ever let up. It’s like a concentrated IV of evil being injected into their veins, desensitizing them to violence for who knows what purpose; it’s too unspeakable to even mention.
I paged through my children’s history books and I was appalled at what I saw. Horrors beyond belief, unspeakable acts of barbarism spelled out in gory detail. Wars upon wars recounted in great detail; tables of death, showing the ever-increasing death tallies of each successive war. Proof right there that I am right! Each successive war is bloodier than the last, and the history book grows! As it grows the wars get worse, and more die! Tens of millions of people murdered on these pages, and my children drinking it all in.
I watch my son play war games and pretend to ‘kill’ his best friends, and I know now where it all comes from. I watch my innocent little girl push a younger black girl down on the playground and I remember the chapters on racism and slavery and the holocaust, and it tears me apart. They are being turned into monsters by a society that preaches “We will never forget!” “We’ll never allow you to think about anything but murder and rape” is more like it!
But the worst part, worse than all the millions of murders, is the sexual crimes. Women being mutilated in a vengeful circumcision ritual in Africa. Slaves and captives of war being raped repeatedly. O sure, the book says attempting to soften the reality of it, these women may have had little hope for survival otherwise, and maybe even a few of them would grow to love their captor/masters, but the harsh reality of it is that the vast majority of these women were raped and raped and raped until the constant raping became the beat to which their unendurable existence pounded on under the oppressive grindstone of their rapist oppressive monsters of an abomination of a husband.
So burn your history books I say! Burn those abominable war and rape manuals! Remove your children from the education system before they come home with bloody hands! I know that for my own sanity my children will be home-schooled from now on, and I will teach them about love and peace and tolerance. Together we can win this war!