First of all I would like to recognize the fact that we have reached 100 posts. Not very many of them are good, and 100 posts is nothing to brag about, but it is what it is, and I was hearing complaints about a lack of recognition, so there it is.
Secondly, we have surpassed my personal goal of 100 unique visitors in the current rolling 30 day period. Compared to our peers (the official Google Analytics category is ‘useless web-waste’) we are kicking ass, receiving 2.5 times the average traffic and nearly 3 times the pageviews. Go visitors!
Third, Stupidopolis forums is doing very poorly, and I wonder if we shouldn’t cancel all work on it. I will hear input supporting or criticizing the forums over the next two weeks and then I will make my final decision.
Lastly, there are donuts in the conference room. I think there are 5 left.